Thursday, May 20, 2010

Can you imagine the sickest mind in the world?

Please take a look at this picture. This is a screenshot of a webpage which belongs to a clergy. This is the translation in case you cannot read Farsi:

“Question: Hi, my wife is a Fin (From Finland) and she became Muslim … The warm weather in our city became a reason to shave her head and take off her scarf. Is her attitude violating any Islam’s rule?
Answer: … it is said that if a woman shave her head in order to get rid of Hijab (wearing a scarf), Devil will f… her and her husband every night as many times as the number of her shaved hair.”

Pretty shocking, huh?! This was my first reaction: “ “. Right, total silence, with my eyes and mouth wide open. It took my brain a few minutes to get back to the semi-normal operation state and respond to the world again. Then I gave this answer a 5-minute thought and I came up with this questions and comments:
1. First of all, I could not believe how far an impaired and sick human imagination could go.
2. How would this dude know something like that about the Devil? He speaks with such confidence that implies he is the Devil’s buddy or secretory. As far as I know, Devil is invisible and he does not communicate who and how he will have sex with. Obviously, he will spoil his chances if he tells anybody.
3. Does God know about this? It does not matter what the answer is, this doesn’t look good for God in either direction!
4. Is this unpleasant unwanted sex (Or I better call it rape) part of Devil’s plan to distract the human from the God’s path? I remember a text in our books about God saying to Devil to do whatever it takes to diverge human from God’s will. I did not know how seriously the Devil took God’s word.
5. To clarify the truth, we should definitely ask the guy who posted the question that if he has felt some strange feelings in certain areas of his body recently? If he has, then good for him. He should write a book or blog about the pains and after-action-treatments.
6. If this filthy “punishment” has no sign or effect on human, or in other words if human does not notice that he or she is getting f… by the Devil, then “what the hell is the point”? I can see how the Devil benefits from this though!
7. I bet this is adultery for human (because human is not married, permanently or temporarily, to the Devil). Be careful, if you get caught you will be stoned to death.
8. What if this dude is not telling us about other “things” that can happen to human? I am sure he knows more. Let’s ask all sorts of wacky questions and see in what other ways we are getting f… and we do not even know!
9. Just imagine in the whole universe, there are 100 people that shaved their head to escape the Hijab. My simple math says if a human has an average of 100,000 hairs on her head and one husband, the Devil should have sex 20,000,000 times every night. I am impressed! He was right, he is way better than human being!
10. The dude does not say for how long this dirty action goes on, 1 night? 10 nights? Forever? What if the hairs grow back? I think some information is not provided on purpose to scare the crap out of people.
11. What if the woman is not married? Does the Devil double-serve her or get involved with her father, uncle, grandpa … (whoever is available probably in this order)?
12. Now I understand how HIV spreads so fast!
13. If you believe in such bullshit, I guess there is no escape from getting f…, is there? If the Devil can f… anybody in the “silent mode”, how can we make sure he does not do it just for fun not even as part of his duty! Then, does not matter if you sleep in a safety box or wear a bulletproof underwear! He is an angle and everything, and you are just a poor human.
14. This might be an equivocation. Human was created to get f… in his life. Everboy's turn will come someday, good luck!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Which one scares you more: darkness or light?

The fear of the dark is a common fear among children and to a varying degree is observed for adults. I believe almost everybody has experienced the feel of fear in a dark place. The fuel for the fear of dark is human’s imagination. Everything in dark appears to be something else. People make things as scary as their imagination allows them in dark and this is just because of the lack of the vision. An interesting point of this kind of fear: Do you think if you have a full vision in a bright day and see a dragon you imagined last night in the dark, you would be as scared as last night? I don’t think so. This makes me think that limited or lack of vision is scary in nature.
However, let’s look at the other side of this coin. Sometimes, despite of the fear of dark, you prefer to stay in the dark because the truth is scarier than what you can imagine. You try to picture things that are not facts not to face the reality.
Unfortunately, this is what is going on in our world right now. We do not want to look, listen, and learn the facts. Why? because we do not want to accept the responsibility of knowing the truth. Because it is so easy to say "I did not know"!

Some try to get out of the dark and others, who I am jealous of, turn the light on for others as well. Now it is your turn!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

خانه ام آتش گرفتست

خانه ام آتش گرفتست آتشی جان سوز
هر طرف می سوزد این آتش پرده ها و فرش ها را تارشان با پود
من به هر سو می دوم گریان در لهیب آتش پر دود
وز میان خنده هایم تلخ وَ خروش گریه ام ناشاد
ز درون خسته ی سوزان می کنم فریاد ای فریـــــــــــــــــاد
خانه ام آتش گرفتست آتشی بی رحم
همچنان می سوزد این آتش نقش هایی را که من بستم به خون دل
بر سر و چشم در و دیوار در شب رسوای بی ساحل
وای بر من سوزد و سوزد غنچه هایی را که پروردم به دشواری
در دهان گود گلدان ها روزهای سخت بیماری
از فراز بامهاشان شاد دشمنانم موذیانه
خنده های فتحشان بر لب بر منِ آتش به جان ناظر در پناه این مشبّک شب
من به هر سو می دوم گریان از این بی داد می کنم فریاد ای فریاد ای فریـــــــــــــــــاد
وای بر من همچنان می سوزد این آتش آنچه دارم یادگار و دفتر و دیوان
وانچه دارد منظر و ایوان من به دستان پر از تاول این طرف را می کنم خاموش
وز لهیب آن روم از هوش زان دگر سو شعله برخیزد
به گِردش دود تا سحر گاهان که می داند که بود من شود نابود
خفته اند این مهربان همسایگانم شاد در بستر صبح از من مانده بر جا مشت خاکستر
وای آیا هیچ سر بر می کنند از خواب مهربان همسایگانم از پی امداد سوزدم این آتش بیداد گر بنیاد می کنم فریاد ای فریاد ای فریـــــــــــــــاد

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I want my Iran free!

Freedom is the main and fundamental difference between human kind and animals. I believe that human is not free to choose and make decision in some circumstances but shouldn’t it be his choice how to live? Doesn’t that make him live like animals if he does whatever he is told to do (by any who)? Hasn’t God created all human beings equal with free will in their natures, not in two categories, master and slave? Hasn’t God told him to just listen to God's words, look deep into his heart, and decide using his own mind? Haven’t you seen people tried to take others freedom ended up nowhere and recorded infamy in the book of world history? I do not know about you, but my answer to these questions is definitely a “YES”.
Today, I am lost as a drop in the ocean of people who want to choose their path, people who want to be respected. The history remembers these people as the founder of human rights charter. There are proofs that there has been a long history of pure and holy religions in this land. Now these people are sick and tired of having their freedom and spirit taken away by a small group of foolishly pious idiots in the holly name of God and religion. It’s a pity that those who have the best culture and history ruled by some who are void of culture. Now these people put their lives in jeopardy to say “No, you don’t deserve us and our land”.
I want to talk to you Iranians: let me express my deep sympathy for all those have been hurt or lost a loved one. It is really sad to see a young man or woman is shot to death or beaten just because s/he is in street saying nothing but shouting that give my freedom back. There has been an excitement and praise about Green movement of brave Iranians. I worship your courage and perseverance.
I am really sorry for those who insulted the most intelligent and educated people; for those who came out of nowhere telling over sixty million people that they cannot be free. I have a word with those people too: you may do whatever you want but you will not last long!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Death to dictator

I just wanted to say that there was a Coup in recent election in Iran and Ahmadinejad is not the president elect.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Best tips how to be a dictator?

Don't you see similarities between the method used to run our beloved country and these quotes from Hitler?

1. The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.

2.The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.

3.Who says I am not under the special protection of God?

4.Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.

5.Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.

6.Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.

When we are going to realize that humanity is not part of their faith? What it takes to prove that they are able to do ANY thing just to keep their dominant over people? How hard it is to differentiate light and darkness? As long as you keep your eyes shut, you think the darkness is the only thing and everything!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009


“Change” is defined as:
1. To cause to be different
2. To go from one phase to another
3. To put on a different clothing
I could probably list other meanings for this word because there are so many cases that we use the word “change”. In addition, the usage of this word varies by the situation and from one person to another. Sometimes people consider a certain behavior or situation as “changed” while others may disagree. However, I believe we all agree that we should observe or sense difference(s) comparing two states to realize a change.
Change is inevitable in nature and specifically in human’s life. In fact, without change we are not alive. I want to differentiate various changes in human’s life based on my perspective of life. First, there are changes because of the human’s nature. Certain rules are imposed to human’s life because he is a live species: he is born someday, ages by time and eventually dies. I think these are important changes, yet so natural that we should just try to adapt ourselves. The more interesting change is the one that we decide to make it happen based on reasoning (hopefully). This category of changes is the day to day struggle of human’s life. That is exactly why you see some people always avoid change because first they are not wise and courageous enough to go through decision making process and also not strong enough to face the consequences of the change. On the other hand, you see many people who fails because they do not think before they act. In summary, a change must have the followings: 1) a reason, 2) a plan, 3) execution process, and finally 4) adaptation plan. I would say missing one of the four elements leaves you a bad memory.
After the above introduction, I want to discuss “change” from political point of view in our country Iran. We have a long history of changes: good and bad. Some of them were outstanding like nationalizing oil while some others were disasters like choosing a person as president with absolutely zero knowledge of running a small community, let alone a vast country like Iran. As far as my age and knowledge allows, we have been told that this is going to “change”! But I think what they are referring to is the third meaning of the word “change”. Honest to God, have you seen an event or behavior which leaves you the impression of real change? Of course, I have noticed many but unfortunately in the wrong direction. We are going through many changes leading our great nation to a swamp. This means when we get there, the more we try to get out, the less we succeed. I am hearing many slogans these days about major changes in the foundations. Are you kidding me? Are we that stupid to believe these statements? This is the way that a dictatorship presented as democracy works: they tight and loose the string around people necks. My beloved father always told me that “The donkey has not been changed, they just replaced the saddle”!
However, I believe some minor changes in the right direction could lead to major ones. So we cannot miss any opportunity to turn this ship around. Unfortunately, even those who sense the reason for change, do not have a plan or if they do, they do not stick to it. Not having a good execution team is another weakness. The worst part, I think, is how they want people to adjust to the change. A decision is made over night, executed tomorrow morning and people are expected to adopt and accept the change by the afternoon. I think this is the way they want to rule not only the country but also the world. What a nice management we have!