Thursday, April 30, 2009

Finaly here is Windows 7

Today Microsoft announced the delivery of the Windows 7 release candidate for MSDN and TechNet subscribers. This is a very good news for PC users. I've been using this operating system for couple of months now. It's been a huge improvement since Vista. I believe this OS is going to make everybody happy. Way to go!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Esteghlal Rocks!

Esteghlal is the Iran's football league champion, congratulations, Yohoooooo!

Lose it or Loose it?

I've been telling myself since last night: it would not be a lost, look at it in a good way, look what you’ve gained, you are not going to lose them... just scrambling around and talking to myself. This feeling may be familiar to you. The world is not going to be in your favor forever. You get used to someone or something and one day you have to give it up: a friend, a job, a life, or even a habit. Here, specifically, I am talking about relationships.
I've been always scared of losing ones that I love or I feel a strong connection to. But you cannot stop others moving. So the big question which leads your reaction and post event life is "Am I going to lose it or loose it?". The answer totally depends on the situation of course, but it is also impacted by the strength of the relationship and your party as well. Sometimes it is the end of story when you cannot see your party for ever (like last year when I lost my father), and sometimes you hope to see them, but not that often. I think human acts interestingly in the first case: he almost keeps his relationship in the form of memories, but nothing to be worried or scared of anymore. In the second situation, he is loosing the connection string. This is even a tougher task because he cannot see the other end of the string anymore. He is always scared of the day his party or something (specially the time) cuts the string.

I am not kind of a guy who establishes a relationship (or strong friendship) very quickly, because I see heavy duties and responsibilities when crossing some lines to get closer to someone. So, it is a big bang for me to lose one or loose a relationship. I always come up with the same solution in such situations (It seems I forget it every time and I have to spend a night or two over and over again). Do not let the string decay over time; polish it, use some EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) once in a while to shine and jazz it up. Do not let an old Persian quote come true: “Az Del Beravad Har Anke Az Dide Beraft” (rough English equivalent: relationships get lost when people get out of your sight).

Do you want to make everyone believe what you think it is true?

Your friend is giving you a ride on a dark road. You believe that there is a bridge on your way that has been damaged by flood. Considering the car speed and the road condition, you warn your friend that you are going to die passing the bridge. Unlike you, your friend believes that the bridge is totally fine and there is nothing to worry about. Now it is time for a big decision: you either take the control of the car (this may need some force) and chose another road or gently ask your friend to stop the car and let you get off. What would you do?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Openning Statement

Last night, my wife and I were wondering in the mysterious world of philosophy till morning. We talked about almost every big question mark in the world and we tried to convince each other with our theory in some way or another. I woke up this morning with a comfort feeling of our discussion and I realized that how much I've always wanted to share my thoughts with others. We should accept the fact that we may never know the truth behind most of the our wonders, but it is one thing that I know for sure: human must seek answers for his questions, even if he winds up nowhere, otherwise he will live and die in dissatisfaction.

I will be trying to talk about my observations and thoughts. What I am not going to make this blog is a place just to discuss philosophical subjects. I am trying to post anything I think it is worth to share with you: scientific, philosophical, environmental, or even political. So please take the journey with me if you like.